
1995年-1998年 浙江大学计算机系CAD&CG国家重点实验室,博士
1992年-1995年 浙江大学计算机系CAD&CG国家重点实验室,硕士
1988年-1992年 国防科技大学计算机系,本科
“Computational approaches for cross-scale complex liquid-multi-material coupling simulation”, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2023-2026 (PI).
“Mixed Reality Laboratory Simulation for K-12 Education”, National Key Research & Development Project of China, May 2018-April 2021 (PI).
“3D Digital Twins based on Learning and Mapping from Automobile Videos”, 2020-2021. (PI)
“Augmented Reality Head-Up Display Systems”, SAIC Motor Co. Ltd., 2016-2019. (PI)
“Data-Driven Computational Model and Approaches for Fluid Simulation”, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2018-2021 (PI).
“Shape Preserving Theory and Approach for Fluid Animation”, NSFC, 2014- 2017 (PI).
“Compressed Sampling for Large-scale Fluid Animation”, NSFC, 2012- 2015 (PI).
“Detail Simulation for High Resolution Fluid Animation”, NSFC, 2010- 2012 (PI).
“Key Technologies of Projector-based Spatial Augmented Reality,” National High Technology R&D Program of China, 2006- 2009 (PI).
“Image based relighting and novel view synthesis,” Omron Research Grants, 2006-2008 (PI).
“Augmented Reality Techniques for Unprepared Environment,” China Ministry of Education Fund, 2005- 2007 (PI).
“Remote Rendering System for Digital Media Applications,” National High Technology R&D Program of China, 2005-2006.
Presence: Virtual and Augmented Reality, MIT Press, Associate Editor (2019-)
Frontiers in Virtual Reality (Technologies for VR Section), Associate Editor (2019-)
IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, General Chair (2023, 2024)
IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Journal Program Chair (2021)
IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Conference Program Chair (2020)
IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Poster Chair (2018-2019)
IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Program Committee (2016-2019, 2022,2024)
IEEE ISMAR (Int’l Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Workshops/Tutorials Chair (2019)
IEEE ISMAR, Conference Program Committee (2023)
ACM VRST (Virtual Reality and Software Technology), Program Committee (2017-2020,2024)
ACM SIGGRAPH VRCAI, Program Chair (2014, 2018)
ChinaVR, Program co-Chair (2020)
ICVRV, Program co-Chair (2018)
CASA (Computer Animation and Social Agents), Program Committee (2018)
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Education Symposium, Program Committee (2017)
Guest Editor, The International Journal of Virtual Reality
Guest Editor, Transactions on Edutainment
Vice Director, Computer Graphics Committee, China Graph Society
Committee Member, Virtual Reality Committee, China Computer Federation
Committee Member, Virtual Reality Committee, China Images and Graphics Society
Council member, Shanghai Graphics Society